Junior Infants: continue to go over their sounds each night. They may start to make small words with the sound tiles, examples of three letter words: sat, pat, rat, mat sit, pan, tan, ran, pit, and tap
Correct letter formation is very important so keep an eye on how children make their letters. Don't worry about size or neatness at this stage.
Numbers 1-3 have been covered in class. Revision of these numbers may take place using items in the home. get your child to count forks, spoons, plates, cups, toys, beds etc.
The concept of 'more than' 'less than' and 'equal to' can be revised by questioning children "How many more do I need to make 3? Which plate has less than two crackers?"
Senior Infants: Have a new Jingle this week. Children should try and read this jingle, underline the words children find difficult. Write out the jingle. Watch that the children form letters properly. In maths, they are learning the story of number. That is, all the ways to make 3 (3+0, 0+3, 2+1, 1+2) 4,5,6, and 7.
First Class: Continue to read every night. Words in Jolly Phonics Word Book to be put into sentences. Go over vocab words every night (I have given a new reader to the children who have completed this list) Miss Egan's maths work should be done every night. Yellow SpellCheck book should be done when the school is closed.
Second Class: Library reading must be done each night in addition to Grumpy Teaspoon work. Continue to work through Grumpy Teaspoon- putting vocab words into sentences, section A, B and C. Remember JOINED WRITING is to be used at all times. Spelling in jolly phonics word book, Gaeilge- one chapter